STM32 RTC Scheduler
RTC-based scheduler for ultra-low power applications
source Directory Reference


file  core_stop.c [code]
 This file contains the implementation for entering and leaving low power modes.
file  error_handler.c [code]
 This file contains the error handling implementation.
file  hardware.c [code]
 This file contains the hardware-specific function implementations.
file  main.c [code]
 This file contains the main application implementation, including the RTOS task implementations, RTOS hooks and scheduler callback implementations.
file  rtc.c [code]
 This file contains the RTC-specific function implementations.
file  scheduler.c [code]
 This file contains the RTC-based scheduler function implementations.
file  stm32l4xx_hal_timebase.c [code]
 This file contains the STM32 HAL timebase implementation.
file  stm32l4xx_it.c [code]
 This file contains the implementations of interrupt handlers.